Saturday, November 11, 2006

All jobbed up

Okay, so I've been a bit naughty lately - No not that way, get your mind out of the gutter! I haven't been updating and neither have I been online. Apologies to the concerned folks, but haha, I've been busy because I've finally accepted a position.

It's with a bank in a place far away from my home and I have to wake up sooooo early that I can't be online as much as I'd like - nerd alert! - so I haven't been updating either. And also because I've been quite lazy about updating.

Don't worry, just because I'm now working in a bank, it doesn't mean I'm a banker...exactly. It just means I work in a bank. I have a nice lot of colleagues - all the girls are pretty but none of the guys are hot, though they are very nice. Though why oh why can't any of them be at least a little bit hot?! I'm in training now and there's so much to learn and so little time to do it that sometimes I'm in a bit of a panic as to how to fit it all in. And some parts are so dry that I can't help dozing off. Of course, it doesn't help that I need at least 8hours of sleep, preferably 9 and now I'm getting like only 6 or7.

It's such a change from my job-hunting days when the time was mine to do with as and when I wanted and basically I was lolling about all day and alternately having tons of fun and being bored out of my skull.

It's icy!

Of course, it means that I barely can see my boy now which is not cool but ah well, it can't be helped. Besides we do see each other's face a couple of minutes a day......Sigh.

In other news, I've changed my mobile phone, but not the number. I had to because the screen of my sturdy old phone that served me so well - yes, you do detect a sentimental attachment to that phone - has been spoilt. The screen went all fuzzy and crazy and though I tried to hang on as long as possible, it couldn't be saved.

Now I have another pretty new phone, a slider thingy, all sleek and black and hand-sized and touch-screeny with a camera and antenna-less. It's totally ice! Though I do have to admit, I miss my clunky old phone in some ways.

This is just a quick update fluff piece - I'll post some proper pieces later!

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