Saturday, November 11, 2006

Cartoons Confession

I was in luck today - The Incredibles was on the Disney channel!I was watching and grinning foolishly to myself as I watched the Incredible family battle a wannabe with their cool powers and make silly puns at the same time. I think the baby is the coolest. I love how it turns into a scary monster.

I also caught Pokemon at 11am today - a guilty indulgence that my sister hooked me to. When I first watched it, I was all eye-rolling. Nowadays, I have a gleeful sense of irony and nostalgia (most probably for earnest feel of the whole show) when I watch it...I remember one of the lyrics from the opening theme song - it goes "I'm undefeatable!" Yeah! Power of positive thinking anyone?

Then back to Disney channel for Kim Possible, possibly one of my all-time favourite cartoon shows ever. Please don't ever ever ever let it end, Disney channel and I totally approve of how Ron and Kim are together, though maybe kissing was not the way to go as an ending to the episode and more more more of Senior Senior Senior and Junior Senior Senior and Shego! Team Go episode was hilarious - "I have a website and I'm not afraid to use it." I could - and have - watched re-runs and still found them fresh and entertaining.

Also, cheers to Nickelodeon for Danny Phantom. A boy who's half-ghost and half-human, battling ghosts to save the world and his growing pains.

Hurray for Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans and X-men Evolution from Cartoon Network, though I must confess I prefer the original X-men. Teen Titans are really good, though I think it's sad that they've split up Robin and Batman. I do wish there was a dark Batman cartoon back too. I don't really like Superman, I'm afraid, though the giant blockbuster that screened recently has made me rethink my Superman animosity. Batman is still cooler though.

I thank Arts Central every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for broadcasting animes. My beloved Shaman King has ended just in time, since I wouldn't be able to watch it at the timeslot it was broadcasted in. Inuyasha is fabulous too, but I can't watch it sadly because I'm usually quite knocked out by 11plus and it just doesn't work for me when I can't see the ending of something!

I realise there's this cable channel called Animax, but I don't know if subscription is in the works for me on this one, so I will be clinging tooth and nail to try and finish the season of Inuyasha that's on now.

Spirited Away should become a classic and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel. Come on, the girl and the dragon spirit have to come together right!

And now having revealed how much I live and enjoy living in a fantasy world filled with primary colours and black outlines, I find myself eternally grateful for how big the internet is.

All jobbed up

Okay, so I've been a bit naughty lately - No not that way, get your mind out of the gutter! I haven't been updating and neither have I been online. Apologies to the concerned folks, but haha, I've been busy because I've finally accepted a position.

It's with a bank in a place far away from my home and I have to wake up sooooo early that I can't be online as much as I'd like - nerd alert! - so I haven't been updating either. And also because I've been quite lazy about updating.

Don't worry, just because I'm now working in a bank, it doesn't mean I'm a banker...exactly. It just means I work in a bank. I have a nice lot of colleagues - all the girls are pretty but none of the guys are hot, though they are very nice. Though why oh why can't any of them be at least a little bit hot?! I'm in training now and there's so much to learn and so little time to do it that sometimes I'm in a bit of a panic as to how to fit it all in. And some parts are so dry that I can't help dozing off. Of course, it doesn't help that I need at least 8hours of sleep, preferably 9 and now I'm getting like only 6 or7.

It's such a change from my job-hunting days when the time was mine to do with as and when I wanted and basically I was lolling about all day and alternately having tons of fun and being bored out of my skull.

It's icy!

Of course, it means that I barely can see my boy now which is not cool but ah well, it can't be helped. Besides we do see each other's face a couple of minutes a day......Sigh.

In other news, I've changed my mobile phone, but not the number. I had to because the screen of my sturdy old phone that served me so well - yes, you do detect a sentimental attachment to that phone - has been spoilt. The screen went all fuzzy and crazy and though I tried to hang on as long as possible, it couldn't be saved.

Now I have another pretty new phone, a slider thingy, all sleek and black and hand-sized and touch-screeny with a camera and antenna-less. It's totally ice! Though I do have to admit, I miss my clunky old phone in some ways.

This is just a quick update fluff piece - I'll post some proper pieces later!