Monday, September 18, 2006

Is it always darkest before dawn?

What if dawn never comes and it is darkest all the way?

Life is really quite a discouraging endeavour and to people who can remain cheerful and optimistic all the time, I say good for you while wondering if you're real.

Me, I get the grumps and the doldrums and the difference between the two is a big toothy snarl and acid words. Trust me when I say PMS has nothing on this.

Lately I think life has been more discouraging than usual and if not for a few very very special people, one of whom will be reading this, I would probably be sunk into a spiralling black hole of depression. So thank you very much for just being you and being there.

If the title of this blog is true, I guess my dawn must be coming quite soon. There are a few prospects on the horizon, but I'm quite resigned at this point to the necessity of swallowing my pride and doing something I'd really rather not be doing, as I seriously doubt that the prospects will solidify and materialise quite soon.

Cross your fingers for me, everyone.

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