Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Newton is a great physicist and yes, I know I used present tense when I should have used past tense since he's dead and all but I used present tense because I don't think that his death invalidates his magnificence. I mean, come on!That guy inferred the existence of gravity from an APPLE.

Uh-hem. As I was saying, Newton is a great physicist and his First Law proves his greatness because this law is universally applicable. Even to people. Especially to me.

Newton's First Law states that an object at rest will always remain at rest and an object in motion will always travel in the same direction and speed so long as it is not disturbed by any other object or force in its direction. Um, it's not very scientific, but the sense of it is there.

I now declare that I am in a state of inertia. Frightening state of inertia, I might add. I have barely done anything about the things I should be doing.

In any 12-step programme about addiction, confession and knowing you have a problem is no. 1. Now...if only I could move on to step no. 2. Which would probably consist of me slapping myself silly so that the pain would distract from my fear of failure and rejection. Hey look! Pop psychobabble! I'm so good at that, it's astonishing.

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