Saturday, February 02, 2008

up and left

So I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Agnes, who is our official assistant editor but who is a perfectly ridiculous figurehead who's offended pretty much everyone in our little team in the short time he's been here. Oh and he's even offended Bud, who's so named because his favourite phrase is "no budget". How do you offend someone you don't even speak to except like once a month?!

Anyways, to cut it short, everyone has some personal issues with him - even the sales team! - and we all pretty much have to bite our tongue all the time when we're dealing with him in any way at all.

It got so bad that J had to have a talk with him and tell him that he needs to modify his working style and his work attitude and he said that he's been completely professional and that he would continue to be but he couldn't guarantee the behaviour of other people!

When J told me, I had this moment when I couldn't speak, and then I laughed so hard until I cried. As a frivolous aside, good thing my mascara didn't run!

This little talk didn't happen too long ago, just a week or so I think; and the result was that Agnes agreed to watch how he was portraying himself, and to be very responsible and professional.

HA! We should have known he couldn't keep his word.

On Thursday, I left the office with another colleague, D - we were going in the same direction and D said that he was taking a cab and would kindly drop me off at my destination. And as we were waiting for a taxi, D asked me so what my team would be doing now.

And I went "Hah?" - see, I do speak Singlish and very well too I might add.

D said, "well, since Agnes is leaving today, who will be replacing him?"

You could have knocked me over with a feather! I told him that couldn't be true and he insisted it was and said that Agnes had personally told D about it.

I whipped out my phone and called J, thinking that she would say that management thought it was better for Agnes to leave quietly but apparently J ALSO DID NOT KNOW!

Apparently Agnes believes it to be the height of professionalism to resign and leave without first discussing his current workload with his supervisor i.e. J, and without making sure that his work was all up-to-date. Plus when he tendered his resignation - directly to upper management i might add - Bud apparently asked him what his workload was like with the current team, and that liar said that he would email J and make sure J was up to date, and in any case, he didn't have much and that our work was just beginning.

Well, at least it won't be hard to keep my resolution to be nicer to him. He's not even here! Which by the way, means less mental barriers to my posting about the stupid things he's done.*

*I felt a bit wicked for even thinking it because you know...he was my colleague and I thought that if I kept thinking about the stupid things, then I would never get over it. But hey, I can't get over them anyways.

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