Sunday, December 03, 2006

A peep in

Ladies and gentlemen, a startling discovery has warranted this short posting.

My macho angmoh boyfriend, who happens to be slightly chauvinistic and believes that certain chores are woman's work - yes, he is indeed one of those, although I argue obstinately and constantly with him about it - is actually a Singaporean teenage girl at heart!

He has fallen madly in love with Korean soaps and is currently strongly addicted to Love Story in Harvard which is broadcasting once a week on VV Drama. Actually, I must say in all fairness that I, too, enjoy those sappy dramas. I especially love it when they really wring my heart and make me cry.

I think I should introduce him to Winter Sonata, which is the second Korean drama I ever watched and which I think is one of the most heartwrenching and therefore is still one of my faves.

This might be an exciting new way of bonding for us.

New friends and old

After I began work - incidentally, it's making me appreciate sleep so much more - I suddenly have a whole bunch of new friends and it's so exciting. I don't mean just those people where you say hi and bye and chitchat with in the workplace. I mean people whom you actually hang out with outside of work and laugh crazily with about idiotic things.

Some background: we began work with training and in my class, there are 11 of us. We're rather a clique-ish bunch though we pretty much get along really really well with each other, with the exception of our class outcast, whom we've nicknamed Boingboing (hereafter shortened to Boings!). There's one in every class I guess...I do feel for him, but on the flip side, I must say I think his behaviour is pretty much "asking for it". He's really mean and molester-y (when drunk) and he has this nasty habit of tale-telling.

Anyway, my base clique is known as the naughties. I don't believe we're really that naughty but certainly we're the noisier bunch, prone to laughing and giggling crazily and making dumb jokes. The main naughties are 4: me, Els, T and the D.O.M. We drink quite a bit too, when we go out, although no one can beat T. That girl must have like two stomachs - one for alcohol and one for food.

And then we have the extended clique: the main naughties, plus WaferMan (who gets 10-min muscles when he eats chocolate wafer biscuits!) and TiuTiu (aka Ah Beng).

Then we have the Quiet Girls 3: Ur, I and Ju. Then there's all-inclusive gentleman, Jer. He just goes around with every clique and fits in well and is friendly with every clique.

Of course, depending on how each day goes, sometimes one person detaches from one clique to spend some time with another clique etc but pretty much this is the sitch.

The main naughties are the closest, I believe, with the extended naughties a close second. We gossip, chat and play together and club and go out and generally have fun together quite a lot a lot! They're so much fun. I do understand that we haven't met any truly nasty situations that we must face together, but I think we pretty much understand one another.

Oddly enough, after I started working and going out like crazy because the main and extended clique are hanging out so much - I told you we were close!or getting there at any rate - I met like quite a number of people I haven't seen in ages.

Like just yesterday, I met Circle, who was this guy I knew from my old workplace and who is now working for a mobile phone service provider and is now in the army. We had the potential to be good friends I think, but never got the chance to hang together, but now it seems we can start on being friends.

That old cliche must be true. When you smile at the world, the world smiles back and like does attract like - when you have an active social life (rather suddenly), you attract more friends. Wonder if this works for money too...

I'm meeting some old friends quite a bit too. Neri I've seen quite a lot and also I've spoken to Mits quite a fair bit (our contact has been sort of erratic since she began work).

Wish I could say the same for Princess Flowerbloom and Fai. One has been living out of a suitcase for like two or three weeks now, and the other has gone Down Under to attend a sister's graduation ceremony. They both won't be back until after my short vacation, which is liek really terrible because I hate squeezing our time together. I really miss both of them, since I haven't seen them in soooo long.

New friends are exciting, but old friends are an anchor: they remind you of who you were and how you became who you are and they also laugh crazily with you about stupid things. And if you're really friends, it's always exciting to meet them.

I really want to see them. Come back soon. Sigh...

As for the other friends reading this, I miss y'all too and sms me!